Recently Sold Properties - Agricultural

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Date County Acres Price Price/Acre PI
12-24 Kankakee 160 $1,895,000 $11,844 120.4
12-24 Douglas 235.25 $3,554,250 $15,108 139.1
12-24 LaSalle 210.23 $3,569,782 $16,980 143
12-24 Warren 80.5 $1,127,242 $14,003 138.8
12-24 McDonough 40 $864,000 $21,600 139.6
12-24 Brown 52.93 $476,370 $9,000 115.9
11-24 Bureau 133.34 $1,682,754 $12,620 131
11-24 Henderson 257.24 $4,146,320 $16,119 134.32
11-24 Adams 66.5 $704,900 $10,600 137.6
11-24 Livingston 80 $1,360,000 $17,000 128.7
11-24 Hancock, Henderson 732.87 $12,138,203 $16,563 138.41
11-24 Henderson 82.41 $1,448,560 $17,578 143.2
11-24 LaSalle 237.403 $2,967,537 $12,660 118.5
11-24 McDonough 138.61 $2,079,150 $15,000 142.2
11-24 McLean 124.58 $2,271,692 $18,235 137
11-24 Adams 76.65 $1,134,420 $14,800 131.3
11-24 Ford 323.31 $4,817,601 $14,900 135.4
10-24 Adams 202.317 $1,389,888 $6,870 107
10-24 Bureau 626.614 $6,241,569 $9,960 112.28
10-24 Sangamon 149.5 $1,883,700 $12,600 128.5
10-24 DeWitt 319.81 $5,324,859 $16,650 140.65
10-24 Woodford 52.29 $697,507 $13,339 116.3
10-24 Knox 80 $744,000 $9,300 103.5
10-24 Fulton 279.915 $1,861,517 $6,650 115.85
10-24 Ford, McLean 240 $3,960,000 $16,500 127
10-24 Menard 290.429 $4,446,712 $15,311 129.70
10-24 Peoria 39.08 $722,980 $18,500 135.5
10-24 Henry 63.2 $846,880 $13,400 138.4
09-24 Marshall 223.03 $2,587,895 $11,603
09-24 McDonough 75.83 $568,725 $7,500 124.7
09-24 Adams 83.53 $977,301 $11,700 122.5
08-24 Hancock 159.12 $1,571,684 $9,877 128.4
08-24 Peoria 77.79 $1,089,060 $14,000 132
08-24 Knox 97 $1,425,900 $14,700 141.4
07-24 Bureau, Stark 905.03 $12,397,371 $13,698
07-24 Logan, Macon 206.7 $3,000,508 $14,516 132.34
07-24 Champaign 120 $1,932,000 $16,100 143
07-24 McLean 200.87 $2,417,222 $12,034 129.63
07-24 Lee 113.46 $1,596,002 $14,067 141.8
07-24 DeWitt 79.5 $1,391,250 $17,500 139.1
07-24 McLean 158.5 $2,520,150 $15,900 130.6
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
07-24 Will 60.3 $689,520 $11,435 120.5
06-24 McLean 80 $1,416,000 $17,700 140.2
06-24 LaSalle 40 $634,000 $15,850 140
06-24 LaSalle 40 $634,000 $15,850 140
06-24 LaSalle 45.71 $639,954 $14,000 131.5
06-24 LaSalle 95.45 $1,641,774 $17,200 144.1
06-24 McLean 55.22 $662,640 $12,000 113.5
06-24 Fulton 78.55 $1,343,205 $17,100 135.6
06-24 Adams 80 $1,400,000 $17,500 127.3
05-24 Sangamon 48 $652,800 $13,600 132.5
05-24 McLean 124.66 $2,256,346 $18,500 135.7
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
05-24 Will 240 $3,250,000 $13,542 125.5
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
05-24 Will 135.35 $2,565,000 $18,951 129
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
05-24 Will 140 $2,120,000 $15,143 121.8
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
05-24 Will 82.43 $786,825 $9,545 121
04-24 McLean 80 $1,440,000 $18,000 140.7
04-24 Sangamon 123.18 $2,421,834 $19,661 135.12
04-24 Tazewell 40 $684,000 $17,100 129
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
04-24 Will 11.78 $650,000 $55,178 124.5
03-24 Warren 15.8 $260,700 $16,500 143.4
03-24 Will 158.95 $1,764,345 $11,100 125.4
03-24 Logan 100.69 $1,741,937 $17,300 140.8
03-24 Macon 160 $2,600,000 $16,250 136.8
03-24 Mason, Menard 764 $8,059,099 $10,549 110.11
03-24 Peoria 38.62 $625,644 $16,200 130.6
03-24 Christian 78 $1,560,000 $20,000 142.3
03-24 McLean 161.96 $2,623,632 $16,199 136
03-24 Edgar 74 $999,000 $13,500 124.9
03-24 McLean 80 $1,360,000 $17,000 135.2
03-24 Woodford 77.6 $1,552,000 $20,000 143.5
03-24 Iroquois 93.26 $1,175,076 $12,600 127.4
03-24 McLean 159.11 $3,525,300 $22,500 139.2
02-24 Kane 50.217 $765,809 $15,250 138.8
02-24 LaSalle 255.4 $2,554,000 $10,000 122.9
02-24 McLean 81.295 $1,256,008 $15,450 137.7
02-24 McLean 279.06 $4,381,242 $15,700 129.2
02-24 Iroquois 316.5 $3,808,666 $11,600 123.3
02-24 Stark 672.09 $6,636,874 $9,875 117.33
02-24 Lee 74.42 $952,576 $12,800 126.9
02-24 Douglas 106.2 $1,869,120 $17,600 128.5
02-24 Knox 81.54 $713,475 $8,750 128.5
02-24 Lee 271.1 $2,575,450 $9,500 112.8
02-24 Schuyler 686.84 $5,921,822 $8,622 118.83
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
02-24 Kendall 71.46 $786,060 $11,000 119.9
01-24 LaSalle 320.797 $5,251,050 $16,369 138.27
01-24 Hancock 290.78 $5,181,840 $17,820 142.1
01-24 Macon 154.48 $2,471,680 $16,000 139.4
01-24 McLean 60.71 $831,727 $13,700 124.2
01-24 Lee 328.98 $3,248,441 $9,874 113.9
01-24 Warren 80.36 $1,470,588 $18,300 145
01-24 Peoria 82.39 $1,375,913 $16,700 141.4
01-24 Marshall 79.75 $1,164,350 $14,600 132
01-24 McLean 105.77 $1,501,934 $14,200 129.9
01-24 Logan 120 $1,920,000 $16,000 140.5
01-24 McLean 191.45 $2,861,690 $14,947 130.83
01-24 Iroquois 80 $644,000 $8,050 96.6
01-24 Shelby 99.39 $859,724 $8,650 114.2
01-24 McDonough 287.88 $4,219,624 $14,658 136.6
01-24 McDonough 166.01 $2,049,599 $12,346 138.4
01-24 Schuyler, Fulton 505.51 $5,365,777 $10,615 124.73
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
01-24 Will 69.73 $600,000 $8,605 121.7
12-23 Stephenson 161.45 $1,609,758 $9,971 114.3
12-23 Morgan 219.862 $3,252,137 $14,792 130.95
12-23 Piatt 176.493 $3,741,652 $21,200 143.45
12-23 Iroquois 79.78 $610,317 $7,650 109.6
12-23 LaSalle 40 $680,000 $17,000 134.5
12-23 Douglas, Coles 852.99 $14,432,059 $16,919 134.97
12-23 Woodford 138.45 $2,395,185 $17,300 139.6
12-23 McLean 153.656 $2,765,808 $18,000 139.7
12-23 Ford 165.04 $2,657,144 $16,100 127.7
12-23 Douglas 120 $2,766,000 $23,050 140.35
12-23 Woodford 76.99 $1,328,078 $17,250 127.8
12-23 Henderson 160 $1,228,000 $8,050 131.8
12-23 Douglas 120 $2,766,000 $23,050 140.35
12-23 Marshall 80.77 $1,179,242 $14,600 130.8
12-23 DeWitt 92.36 $1,653,244 $17,900 140.6
12-23 Woodford 236.799 $4,506,133 $19,029 140.45
12-23 LaSalle 152.904 $3,012,209 $19,700 142.8
12-23 Warren, Knox 172.01 $2,884,565 $16,770 137.8
12-23 Bureau 175.723 $2,272,278 $12,931 134.55
12-23 Marshall 77.816 $1,042,734 $13,400 131.1
12-23 Bureau 127 $2,032,000 $16,000 140.3
12-23 Bureau 13 $195,000 $15,000 141.9
11-23 Hancock 105.22 $1,446,613 $13,748 130.85
11-23 Peoria 185.37 $2,088,970 $11,269 124.05
11-23 Coles 152.27 $3,014,946 $19,800 139.85
11-23 Adams 33.6 $636,720 $18,950 136.7
11-23 Piatt 203.28 $3,192,783 $15,706
11-23 Champaign 66.31 $1,107,377 $16,700 134.6
11-23 Hancock 116.21 $976,164 $8,400 122.3
11-23 McDonough 256.93 $5,729,539 $22,300 142.47
11-23 Stephenson 161.449 $1,611,024 $9,979 114.3
11-23 McLean 308.17 $4,305,725 $13,972 133.37
11-23 Henderson 160 $2,160,000 $13,500 133.2
11-23 Piatt 100 $2,110,000 $21,100 142.4
11-23 Kankakee 173.36 $1,738,208 $10,027 119.1
11-23 McDonough 106 $1,806,000 $17,038 141.95
11-23 Hancock 243.41 $4,482,242 $18,287 138.85
11-23 Knox 104.46 $905,765 $8,671 132.1
11-23 Henry 80.81 $1,066,692 $13,200 139
11-23 Warren 39.51 $806,004 $20,400 143.9
11-23 Warren 245.39 $4,826,209 $15,660 142.2
11-23 LaSalle 310.06 $4,891,649 $16,128 135.53
11-23 Livingston 195.6 $2,925,400 $14,956 130
11-23 Bureau 96.92 $1,385,956 $14,300 125.1
11-23 Warren 80.41 $1,825,307 $22,700 145.3
11-23 Warren 80.41 $1,825,307 $22,700 144.7
11-23 Henderson 102.36 $1,566,108 $15,300 138.3
11-23 Henderson 33.89 $521,906 $15,400 140.8
11-23 McLean 200 $3,656,000 $18,280 137
11-23 McLean 253.51 $2,899,732 $11,438 123
11-23 Iroquois, Ford, Kankakee 1103.8 $11,077,200 $10,036 121.4
11-23 Stephenson 163.3 $1,412,545 $8,650 127.7
11-23 LaSalle 80 $1,248,000 $15,600 142.9
11-23 Henry 90 $1,719,000 $19,100 140.6
11-23 LaSalle 152.904 $3,012,209 $19,700 142.8
11-23 Warren, Knox 237.83 $2,641,659 $11,107 127.65
11-23 Bureau 37.49 $403,018 $10,750 123.9
11-23 Knox 299.97 $1,601,330 $5,338 118.98
11-23 Bureau 214.79 $2,995,028 $13,944 134.72
11-23 Knox 77.79 $628,002 $7,900 115.95
11-23 Knox 299.97 $1,601,326 $5,325 118.98
11-23 Bureau 80 $748,000 $9,350 126.3
11-23 Knox 77.79 $628,002 $8,073 115.9
11-23 Shelby 357.11 $7,009,236 $19,628 142.15
11-23 Christian 80 $1,176,000 $14,700 124.05
10-23 Logan 158.71 $2,079,101 $13,100 130.7
10-23 Marshall 142.886 $1,886,095 $13,200 136.3
10-23 Sangamon 70.99 $1,426,899 $20,100 141
10-23 Piatt 154.5 $2,765,550 $17,900 139.3
10-23 Piatt 156 $2,636,400 $16,900 138.5
10-23 LaSalle 79.65 $1,314,225 $16,500 142.6
10-23 Livingston 378.47 $4,428,099 $11,700 123.4
10-23 Mercer 305.45 $4,300,000 $14,078 126.7
10-23 Iroquois 1006.26 $13,366,146 $13,283 129.47
10-23 Knox 79.19 $1,021,551 $12,900 130.5
Sold By
Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
10-23 Will 160 $1,980,000 $12,375 124.4
09-23 LaSalle 306.54 $4,162,056 $13,578 138.5
09-23 DeKalb, Lee 460.392 $5,809,050 $12,618 138.275
09-23 LaSalle 80.46 $1,255,176 $15,600 142.7
09-23 Iroquois 80.87 $816,787 $10,100 116.1
09-23 Brown 375.32 $4,677,200 $12,462 122.26
09-23 Warren 375.07 $8,523,660 $22,726 139.64
09-23 Warren 375.07 $8,523,660 $22,700 139.64
09-23 McDonough 164.74 $3,574,858 $21,700 142.2
09-23 McDonough 164.74 $3,574,858 $21,700 142.2
09-23 Fulton 64.7 $1,152,264 $16,400 136.2
09-23 Woodford 76.54 $931,875 $12,175 114.3
09-23 Rock Island 72.764 $543,183 $7,465 107.5
09-23 Schuyler 196.07 $1,581,775 $8,067 113.08
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
09-23 Grundy 78 $1,474,894 $18,909 135.7
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
09-23 Kankakee 80 $960,000 $12,000 119.1
08-23 Morgan 287.33 $6,434,863 $22,395 142.38
08-23 McLean 40.371 $557,119 $13,800 124.9
08-23 St Clair 57.6 $737,280 $12,800 110.3
08-23 Tazewell 394.57 $7,626,927 $19,330 135.95
08-23 Mercer 233.6 $2,315,838 $9,914 121.15
08-23 Henry 212.53 $3,411,027 $16,050 137
08-23 Hancock 82.32 $481,572 $5,850 111.7
08-23 Hancock 365.39 $4,220,641 $11,551 121.68
08-23 Adams 333.61 $7,007,254 $21,004 131.27
08-23 McDonough 85.575 $1,131,339 $13,220 114.3
08-23 McLean 123.71 $1,428,900 $11,550 122.795
08-23 Shelby 72.15 $836,940 $11,600 95.5
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
08-23 Iroquois 157.25 $1,651,125 $10,500 132.7
07-23 Macon 69 $1,083,300 $15,700 140.9
07-23 McLean 77.89 $1,187,823 $15,250 138.7
07-23 Iroquois 168.65 $1,602,365 $10,500 119.3
07-23 Schuyler 87.61 $1,009,349 $11,521 117.5
07-23 Schuyler 97.01 $690,805 $7,121
07-23 Henry 428.67 $6,561,027 $15,306 137.74
07-23 Livingston 232.92 $2,841,990 $12,202 114.45
07-23 Livingston 220.82 $2,417,979 $10,950 118.7
07-23 Iroquois 354.23 $5,132,184 $14,488 126.75
07-23 LaSalle, Livingston, Grundy 279.8 $4,223,100 $15,093 132.25
06-23 LaSalle 98.35 $1,662,115 $16,900 142.9
06-23 Iroquois 67.75 $989,150 $14,600 129.3
06-23 Adams 28.08 $308,880 $11,000 112.1
06-23 McDonough 340.91 $6,772,287 $19,865 143.63
06-23 Champaign, Piatt 146.48 $2,255,792 $15,400 136.5
06-23 Mercer 241.02 $4,046,012 $16,787 141.33
06-23 McLean 40.65 $528,450 $13,000 134.7
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
06-23 Vermilion 74.5 $324,075 $4,350 119.6
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
06-23 Will 20 $280,000 $14,000 117.4
05-23 Hancock 208.76 $2,105,500 $10,086 115.7
05-23 Adams 117.07 $779,224 $6,656 106.95
05-23 Menard 122.43 $1,677,291 $13,700 131.8
05-23 Piatt 158.31 $2,466,720 $1,600 143.2
05-23 Hancock 83 $431,600 $5,200
05-23 Mercer 68.639 $658,934 $9,600 111
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
05-23 Edgar 240 $2,862,000 $11,925 131.3
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
05-23 Will 104 $1,300,000 $12,500 117.4
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
05-23 Will 88.8 $688,200 $7,750 108.1
04-23 Bureau 90.458 $768,893 $8,500 118.1
04-23 Mercer 27.64 $262,580 $9,500 101.5
04-23 Peoria 167.44 $3,106,733 $18,554 137.6
04-23 Adams, Pike 631.55 $7,061,071 $11,181 108.8
04-23 Sangamon 147.97 $3,078,197 $20,803 141.6
04-23 LaSalle 39.4 $705,314 $17,900 142.2
04-23 LaSalle 158.07 $2,365,246 $14,963 140.6
04-23 DeWitt 342.25 $6,331,625 $18,500 137.6
04-23 DeWitt 235 $4,523,750 $19,250 138.7
04-23 Piatt 320 $6,368,000 $19,900 141.5
04-23 Piatt 229.69 $4,478,955 $19,500 141.4
04-23 DeWitt 130.66 $2,469,474 $18,900 138.1
04-23 Champaign 37.77 $651,533 $17,250 143.6
Sold By
Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
04-23 Ford 210.51 $2,736,630 $13,000 125.5
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
04-23 Will 80 $1,440,000 $18,000 123.3
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
04-23 Will 80.01 $1,415,000 $17,685 123.3
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Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC
04-23 Will 17 $198,000 $11,647 113.9
03-23 McLean 52.36 $612,612 $11,700 113
03-23 Kankakee 76.5 $634,950 $8,300 120.3
03-23 Livingston 163.75 $2,040,000 $12,750 127.2
03-23 Shelby 130.89 $1,099,476 $8,400 132.9
03-23 Cass 436.179 $8,196,025 $18,791 133.25
03-23 Macon 71 $1,065,000 $15,000 139.1
03-23 Champaign 119 $1,852,900 $15,571 132.5
03-23 Tazewell 242.75 $4,660,800 $19,200 141
03-23 Lee 77.42 $952,627 $12,800 126.9
03-23 Grundy 102.83 $1,830,374 $17,800 143.5
03-23 Logan 120 $2,112,000 $17,600 116.97
03-23 LaSalle 76.91 $1,161,341 $15,100 132.1
03-23 Macon 40 $660,000 $16,500 139.2
02-23 LaSalle 77.86 $1,346,926 $17,300 143.5
02-23 Bureau 81.77 $899,470 $11,000 133.6

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