Services - News

- Phase One China trade agreement.
- Is Farmland currently a good Investment?
- Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018
- Farmland Values & leases
- Soybean planted area may surpass corn in 2018/2019, a first.
- Don't bet on the turn of the U.S. Land Market Yet
- How does the U.S. compete in global crop agriculture?
- Average share of income spent on total food in U.S. remains relatively constant.
- What the Trump administration may mean for absentee owners of farmland
- U.S. ethanol use continues to grow; prices reach decade lows.
- Non-operator landlords more likely to inherit land than operator landlords.
- Even as the leading producer, China still leads among global pork importers.
- What's happening with land values?
- Non-operating landlords own 31% of U.S. farmland
- Growth in average U.S. farm real estate value slows
- Manage your farm for optimal income and investment results
- Farm business well-positioned financially
- Despite gains, food insecurity remains concentrated in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Asia and Western Hemisphere propel growth in U.S. agricultural exports
- 2014 Farm Real Estate Value by State
- What Landowners Need to Know About the New Farm Bill
- U.S. ad exports rose as U.S. dollar depreciated
- Corn yield growth supports rapid expansion of Brazilian corn production.
- 80% of the 2014 farm bill outlays go for nutritional programs
- 2012 Census of Agriculture shows fewer U.S. farms
- SNAP participation varies across states
- Effective Estate Planning for Landowners
- Drought risk generally increases from East to West
- Crop production is concentrated in California and the Midwest
- Brazil may surpass U.S. soybean production in 2013/2014
- Agriculture and related industries provide 9.1% of U.S. employment
- U.S ag exports to China grow even as China increases domestic farm support
- Global Outlook on Crop Production
- Developing countries' demand for ag products outstrips production
- Agricultural Land Values Highlights
- Use of No-till Practices
- Is Climate Change Cyclical?
- Climatism by Steve Goreham Science, Common Sense and the 21st Centrury's hottest topic
- China emerges as world's dominant soybean importer
- SNAP Program totals to $78.3 billion of USDA budget in 2012
- Rising incomes in developing countries support world trade.
- Notable crop acre shifts, 2006-2012
- Is today's agricultural prosperity sustainable?
- Farm share of U.S. Food dollar up in 2011
- U.S per capita availability of chicken tops beef in 2010
- Outlook for the Dollar and Farmland Values
- Many farm operators are retirement age
- Increased China corn production boosts 2012/13 global output
- During the last 50 years, fewer dollars spent on food
- Brazil leads the world in exports of soybean & soybean products
- Weather impacts commodity prices
- How ethanol economics, energy policy and farmland values interrelate
- Hired labor accounts for a large share of productions costs for some crops
- Food insecurity was concentrated in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2012
- Farm production expenses post another increase
- U.S agricultural trade with NAFTA countries reaches record levels in 2011
- Trade barriers protect Japan's agriculture sector
- Salaries and benefits half of U.S. food dollar
- Professional farm managers offer advantages
- Importance of Trade in U.S. Agriculture, Export-to-production ratios
- U.S & EU enter partnership in organic trade
- Relatively little U.S. farmland is foreign owned
- R&D Drives Ag Productivity Increases
- Organic crop production in the U.S.
- Despite congressional uncertainties, estate planning remains as important as ever
- China dominates global import demand for soybeans
- Since NAFTA's implementation in 1994, U.S. agricultural trade with Canada and Mexico has flourished
- GE crops now mainstream
- Does Today's Farmland Market Make Sense?
- Changes in leading world exporters of corn
- World populations reached 7 billion milestone
- U.S. agriculture productivity continues to rise
- Leasing trends, What should my farm earn?
- Brazil sees record soybean supply
- U.S. farm real estate values increase
- The supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) accouinted for 72% of USDA's domestic food assistance in FY 2010 and some 68% of the total USDA farm program budget
- Practical insights for successful farmland sales
- Crop Production Cost Climb
- China corn production and use increases
- Verbal Lease Notification Dates
- Increase in global food demand to come from developing countries
- How Recent Tax Changes Affect Landowners
- For what do food dollars pay?
- China remains a growth market
- Several factors drive today's land prices
- Insights on key trading partners
- Ethanol By-Products Become Livestock Feed
- 2010 Crop Production Summary
- Who are the "Locally Grown" producers?
- Uncertainty in tax laws hobble estate planning
- Ethanol refineries prefer the Corn Belt
- Despite a downturn in 2009, U.S. agricultural trade still shows a surplus
- A "cheap" dollar helps U.S. agricultural trade
- U.S. farm real estate increases 1.4% from 2009
- U.S. exports answer world market needs
- Brazilian Competition in Soybean Production
- Nearly 2/3 of USDA budget spent on food assistance programs
- Farmland Investments Show Strong Returns, Low Risk
- Comparison of Farm Profiles in Midwest States
- What to expect from an appraisal of your farm
- Projections for U.S. Agriculture
- Boom in organic sales continues
- What should your cash rent be?
- Use of Flexible Cash Rent
- Sustained Growth Corn Productivity
- China Shifts Corn Use to Industrial Products
- The 14 Mistakes Your Farmland Broker and Realtor Can Help You Avoid
- Genetically Engineered Corn & Soybeans see rapidly expanding use
- Farmland Values Soften
- Highlights from the Census of Agriculture
- Current Financial Turmoil: The Impact on Farmland Values-Prospects for 2009 Clouded
- Colombia: New Ethanol Producer on the Rise?
- Cellulosic Ethanol Plant Gets Guaranteed Loan
- Agricultural land ownership has remained stable
- World Crops and Economic Prospects Affect U.S. Exports
- Rice situation and outlook
- Number of U.S. Farms and Average Farm Size, 1900-1997
- Farmland Investments Increase 52X, 1900-2000
- Cotton Lags As Global Economy Slows
- The 2008 Farm Bill: The Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008
- Lease Dates to Remember
- Farm Trends: The United States contains more arable land than any other nation.
- Corn's Dominance Continues
- 2008 Farm Real Estate Value by State
- U.S. Taste for Imports
- The Changing Face of Agriculture in Mexico
- Land Use After a CRP Contract
- Booming Land Values Create Opportunities & Uncertainties
- U.S. Average Cropland Cash Rent
- The U.S. Ranks as the World's Largest Ag Exporter
- The Financial Power of Investing in Land
- How Dependent are Ag Industries on Overseas Markets?
- 2007 Cropland Cash Rent by State
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World populations reached 7 billion milestone
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Drought risk generally increases from East to West
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Rice situation and outlook
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